Dear friends,

WPDI is pleased to share with you our Fall 2021 newsletter. It highlights meaningful stories and achievements from the past few months. With much of the world still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on all aspects of human life, promoting peace and sustainability within the context of global recovery has become more urgent than ever.

In this newsletter, we have sought to illustrate a key dimension of our work: the promotion of a culture of peace. Indeed, if it is to be lasting, peace must rest on a culture that imbues the daily values, attitudes, and behaviors of everyone in the community. In turn, such a culture must be regularly strengthened by dedicated efforts that educate the public about the importance and relevance of peacebuilding initiatives – even, and maybe especially, for those who live in places where conflict feels like an elusive reality or a sheer impossibility.

WPDI has made it an organic part of its mission to constantly advocate for peace at all levels, from the grassroots to the pulpits of the international scene. This is a responsibility for everyone at WPDI , from our young beneficiaries to our CEO. This newsletter is about that work.

In peace,

The WPDI team

To read about the newsletter, click here!

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